Sunday, May 29, 2011
Each One of Us Has Been Born With a Unique Purpose or Call Which We did Not Choose...But if We Fail to Obey; Carry Out or Comply...WE SHALL LOSE!
Many go through life never discovering there own purpose because they never took the time to get to know HIM...The GOD who made them!
So how can those who say "I worship HIM in my own way at home" be healthy, vibrant and whole? They are not being fed at HIS Holy Eucharistic Table!
How can they hear HIS voice and answer HIS call?
For it is when we are living IN HIM, WITH HIM, and THROUGH HIM that HE does all things for us.
Without HIM we perish into the dust...the dust which we were created and formed from we shall return...yet if we are faithful and obedient...
HE promises to raise us up!
Obedience in all things...from not robbing GOD of our 10 percent tithes..the minimum ...
Our 10 percent tithe merely puts meat in our house; yet if we take our tithe and use it for ourselves...
Or even if we take our tithe and name it as an offering...even if that offering is helping HIS Little one in need...EVEN if the voice of GOD tells us to help a particular one...
It should be in addition to our tithe or we take meat out of our own house.
GOD also requires us the sower to be responsible to know that we are giving into good soil.
For even when we sow into another whom GOD brought into our lives...when we sow from our need as HE requires us all...
When we sow and sow....give and give and never receive return...GOD requires us to re-examine!
Seed of all kinds...whether finances in form of money, postage, time, or talent....
Such as listening toi that hurting friend...helping him or her see what GOD is telling them within...
Fine gifts one has made with their own hands with the talent and skills GOD HIMSELF have given...
Even our words each and everyone we speak are seeds regardless what is said or to whom or when,
Every word ever uttered out of every mouth is producing something in someone always!!! Our words are either giving life or destrying life at all times..there exists no in between.
Who and what have you destroyed yesterday today or last week?
This is why GOD says we will be held accountable for every single word we have ever spoken...
For each life is as important as the next in GOD's eyes!
HE CALLS US FORTH...that we maqy for HIM be creators of life and goodness by our charitable actions and words.
Each of us in addition to this which all are called to...Life of integrity and love...
Each of us has also a unique gift and call... Something we are REQUIRED BY HIM to do!
For me that call is going to whom GOD sends me and allowing HIM through me to test HIM!
Since I was a mere 5 years old...I have witnessed GOD carry out HIS HOLY WORD to us all who belong to HIM...a WORD HE spoke directly to me long before I learned my name!
HE told me this directly to my heart when I was small and children used to knock me down and literally beat me up.
I witnessed every day of my life someone, sometimes many literally killed or devastated the day after or at times the same day they were cruel to me without any reason but just to oppress someone..anyone...just to be mean and "Feel they were superior to someone"
I have seen many whose homes burned to ground shortly after they simply rejected my friendship or failed to give my husband or I a piece of bread and a cup of cool refreshing water...not tepid which even makes GOD VOMIT!
Have you received a gift from another and failed to be a blessing in return? Have you mishandled seed planted in you? Have you walked, jumped or stomped out your own seed in GOD's kingdom by failing to bless the seed others planted in thee?
You who are reading this you have time...not much time ...NOW is the time to go to a holy priest and have your confession heard! Now is the time to call, write or visit and not just apologize but make restitution for what you have failed to do!
Soon and Very Soon I will see Our King ...sit at HIS table and wine dine and recline with HIM....where will you be?
Our Lord through EstherStephanada!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Without wholesome marriage... Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who shall we obey?? Presidents..or Almighty GOD!
How are you? Are you well...a friend just asked?
We are always well, even when the enemy is trying to kill us....
For HE who is in us and goes before us...leading us...It is HE not us who lives...
IT is HE who sends us forth...HE who hold us up...
And when we are simply walking and speaking, flowing with and HIM...constantly obediently....
Even when the enemy attacks and he always will...
GOD's Word does not promise that no weapons will be formed against us...
But that they will never prosper...
It may appear for a little while that the evil one gets ahead...
But when in doubt take a look at who is still living and WHO is DEAD!...
Now who is A HEAD?
We are the head and not the tail and above and not beneath...but only when we open our mouths with FAITH...FAITH of merely mustard is all it takes....
FOR The Holy King of Kings to not hesitate to our accomplishing HIS works in and through us under HIS wing's protection...
So will you with me...
As Mother Angelica encouraged on every program...
We are ALL Called to be great Saints...So lets NOT MISS this marvelous opportunity on this new day our Lord has made!
Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who shall we obey...Presidents..seated in high places...Or ALMIGHTY GOD!!
With VISION like Jeremiah... I see many many MARTYRS Dieng and being RAISED!!
Are you in this number?
For this I have been born...All of us have!!!
Whether a man woman or child knows it or not... FOR this all have been born...born to live...and give witness...To Love Honor Obey and Follow ...Thou who has made all...You Me and They!
Amen Amen And Alleluia!!!
Lori Brown, MADD North Carolina <>Date: Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:19 PMSubject: Please join us at Walk like MADD 2011 in Charlotte
Special thanks to: ![]()
Dear Mrs,
You are invited to MADD North Carolina's annual 5K Walk like MADD on June 11 at Freedom Park! We would love to have your continued support as we fight to eliminate drunk driving in North Carolina.
Since MADD was founded, we've helped save almost 300,000 lives. Now we can see a future without drunk driving -- a future where cars themselves can be the cure to drunk driving -- and where parents have the tools to keep their kids alcohol-free. We'd like you to celebrate with us as we "Walk Like MADD" to raise funds and awareness of the bright future ahead.
We hope you, your family, friends and coworkers will join us for good times and good work. There are several ways to join the fun:
- Walk with us, either forming your own walk team, joining an existing team or joining as an individual walker.
- Become a virtual walker to help by walking with us in spirit.
- Help support MADD North Carolina without walking.
The Walk Like MADD event helps us continue our support of those affected by drunk driving. With your continued support, we know we will have a bright future, saving lives and changing lives for the better.
Thank you again for your friendship. I hope to see you on June 11 at our Walk like MADD event.
Lori Brown
MADD North CarolinaPS. If you have no interest in walking or raising funds by being a virtual walker, but still want to help, you can still donate to MADD here. Thank you again!
PPS. Special thanks to our National Presenting Sponsor of Walk like MADD, State Farm Insurance, for their support of MADD and our mission!
Without wholesome marriage.... Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who
shall we obey?? Presidents..or Almighty GOD!
We are always well, even when the enemy is trying to kill us.... When he
Lord Himself is before us...leading us...we are following HIM
And nearly...
And by the Authority of our baptism...Speaking out everything HE Writes on
our hearts to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and St Peter and St
Paul before us...
> As Mother Angelica encouraged on every program...
> We are ALL Called to be great Saints...So lets NOT MISS this marvelous
> opportunity on this new day our Lord has made!
> Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who shall we obey...Presidents..seated
> in high places...Or ALMIGHTY GOD!!
> With VISION like Jeremiah... I see many many MARTYRS Dieng and being
> Are you in this number?
> I AM!
> For this I have been born...All of us have!!!
> Whether a man woman or child knows it or not... FOR this all have been
> born...born to live...and give witness...To Love Honor Obey and Follow
> ...Thou who has made all...You Me and They!
> Amen Amen And Alleluia!!!
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