Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brennan's Only One Chapter of The Wealth of The Wicked Is Laid Up For The Just!

Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 6:12 AM

This craziness about Brennan's closing on Royal Street  is just one example on how greed, selfishness, and self-righteousness will always bring one's self down into the pit eventually.....simply having an address on a Street with such a name as "Royal" makes most folks eventually big headed, proud no different than Lucifer who was not content to have 3 offices in heaven before God...Lucifer said he was just as good as God and could do things better or as good.

So the foretold prophesy that all proud will be humbled is playing out here in New Orleans and the closing of Brennan's just one chapter.

All big giants who have no regard for their community and individuals they employ will ever remain large forever.

This should be an example to all that even these large corporations such as WalMart whose founder Sam Walton was content making a small profit on large volume for he cared about the such corporations are merely riding on their former reputation which is today a fallacy for WalMart no longer operates with the same values that Sam Walton built his corporation upon.
I have actually in recent years witnessed the disabbled/handicapped employees who Sam Walton had compassion for now required to do tasks which they physically are not capable which violates Federal & State Laws.

Today WalMart hires such persons for Tax Write Offs, but then does not full fill their obligation to them.

Such individuals figure if they take WalMart to court that it would cost them more financially, more phyisically and emotionally than they have within themselves and the task would simply kill them. And where else would they find employment.

There was a time when WalMart was willing to pay bennefits to their employees but now refuse to hire folks for enough hours that they could qualify for benefits.

Anyone who abuses their position of authority or their position within the over all economy will eventually as the scripture declares that God will entrap the wicked with their own devices...

I know many think that WalMart will never fail.

But folks thought that of MacDonalds hamburgers and they have reported loses in recent times for the first time ever!

Burger King announced that they lose money selling the 99 cent hamburger to compete with the Dollar menus of other fast food companies and who would have thought companies such as these who have gone "Global" and harmed the health of now not just Americans who eat too much of this high fat high salt diet...

But now the disease of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc that were common in the United States are more prevalent in countries that now have their own fast food hot spots thanks to American greed for money and expansion.

Microsoft actually now requires new consumer.customers who purchase their computers to sign agreeing to never be part of a class action against Microsoft in order to operate the product they just purchased.

And their Windows 8 is designed such that you must have a Microsoft email account to even turn your computer on and type a Word Document which means Mr. Microsoft & his employees can spy on you even when you type a private letter to your Aunt Suzy or Aunt Jane. Not just when you do Email or FAcebook.

Everyone should write their SEnators and Congressmen & Congresswomen on this one which is a serious invasion of privacy.

So the slow crumble of a New Orleans tradition of greed & feed is just one chapter in the future transfer of wealth that is Biblical & prophesied.

"The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just"

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We All Can Receive MIRACLES and Be Vessels Through Which God Grants MIRACLES to Others But Those of You Who Refuse To Bless Others....

Soon very soon there will be no more chances...
No more chances to return kindnesses, no more chances to exchange bright Sonshiney Smiles...

Those who choose to simply go through the motions of Daily Holy Mass receiving Holy Communion but not living as though you even have a clue of who Jesus is...

For those who are one in Jesus it is impossible for them to be unkind...For God is can one who has just eaten the Body of Christ instantly run out chattering about nonsense then cut off their neighbor as they drive out of the parking lot or even park their vehicle in a dangerous position that others can get injured...their tail and hitch in the middle of the sidewalk that at least half of the Catholic congregation folks walk to enter the church for Holy  Mass....
Very few are thoughtful of others then question why their relationships are not full filling but empty???  I am sure that you can see why...even if this truck driver sees this blog post or the others which I used this photo and another taken here but from another angle to also show their license plate...

This person I assure you will never change their ways...I have exposed their true character in the past in color pictures and their arrogance only grew more spiteful.

Though we must not be afraid of what others will say or think,
Nor can we be controlled by other's opinions are talk of us.

We who desire to be chases down by both blessings and MIRACLES that never cease but only keep multiplying with our joyful smiles and laughter in spite of devils who seek and track us...
We must keep on keeping on singing regardless who is murmuring behind our backs.

As we heard in last Sunday's Gospel the Lord was not concerned of who what about who HE is...
And so shall we must be continuing to bless others with our smiles and songs...there will always be someone like our former next door neighbor Veronica on Alvin Callender Street when we with God were building our home...

She came outside yelling one day not able to understand how not even hers & her nephews hateful actions against us could not kill our spirits.

She came outside as I was singing new songs through joyful tears...tears that our neighbors were trying to stifle the rebuilding of our home.
What we had completed the day before our neighbors had punched holes into in the night...

But I sang new songs to the God above knowing HE who watches through the night from HIS throne up above not only saw the crimes against us in the night but had the power to restore not only that which the angry jealous locusts had stolen...

They who were filled with jealousy, anger and hate and have never been loved nor have loved themselves....
No different than the Ponchatoula local native neighbors who say out of one side of their mouth that they are going to build Ponchatoula into a thriving economic marketing business center, yet they tie up themselves in bondage that they cannot grow...

By shunning newcomers who choose to make Ponchatoula home!

No town or city will ever grow & prosper past the point they are today without welcoming new citizens not only physically into their neighborhoods, and into the community and church families.

Regardless how many families come and are shunned they will eventually move on in the same numbers or even more.

For every family and community has both sincere and insincere folks whom they call their own.

Those whose hearts are pure but were born within a thorny city among hateful tit-tat chatter boxes who love not...
Eventually these too will choose to move onto a better place where they will not be embarrassed by their previous associations whether blood or geographic.

No they will follow the lead of those who come full of life seeking to bless an entire community when they first arrived...but refuse to live an entire life time among grumblers and wishy -washy complainers.

As Joyce Meyer has taught over the can choose to complain and remain and go around and around a same old mountain of a pill.
Or you & I and each of us can reach out and beyond our circumstances for another new dream...when others fight to long and hard resisting thy kindness and blessing...
As Jesus said:  "Shake of their dust and move on..."

Such cities will never grow but as Sodom & Gomorrah will be your town or city who shuns the hearts who of those who enter bearing kindness and generosity of their grateful loving hearts...
Such a town or city will never grow but die  from their own choices....their own deception...

The fruit never falls far from the tree and the selfish resentful hearts wither and never blossom but rather their self-righteousness they fatten and fluff and spread as an eagle spreads its wings...
Then they go around time gloating convincing themselves and each other that they together did a good thing.

Weather report says flash floods could rise here in South Louisiana today & not surprised if these are no longer here...whether they drown now and or burn later.

There does come a time when God says:  ENOUGH ALREADY!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454