How can you know HIM if you you cackle instantly like hens in a cock fight as soon as you have received HIM...your hearts so shallow that you lose HIS new Words to you as soon as the priest exits HIS Holy Sanctuary....
On this feast of St John Chrysostom who never let others complaints slow him from correcting that which needed correction and doing what is right and just in spite of his own rejection.....
HE required me to speak to the children of St Joseph who forgot lost everything...just as today's Holy Gospel said of them...
And so I did tell them that "How can you steal from your selves HIS best part of quiet reflection when HE is closest to you...... You know HIM not or you would be weeping now!"
I was actually told by Julie Hoffman Eucharistic Minister to "Pipe Down" !!
Can you imagine, even the self appointed leaders of the church did not retain God's message today in this Feast of St John Chrysostom steal from themselves...only go through the motions...but their hearts are far from HIM.
They are the ones who hear & receive the Word with joy...but because of their lack of roots...they know HIM growth among rocks....they fall off as soon as they are soon as trials and tribulations...
They ramble on about their mountains instead of communing IN, With & Through HIM whom they just received physically into their being in the Holy Sacrament of Unity...the Holy Sacrament that is truly HE who takes away the sins of the world..
Who is closet to you to comfort, bless and heal lift you out of the pit which you are in.....
It is through remaining one in HIM, with HIM....silently just being receiving all that HE is...
That you are fashioned with greater strength...
Never by talking about your mountains whatever they happen to be will they be cast into the sea.
If you really knew HIM not just of you go through motions of the same...routine of Daily is it HIS Daily Message does not remain rooted in you as long as it takes you to exit his Holy lose it before you even dip your hand into the Holy Water Fountain on your way out....
For you would weep for yourselves quietly...and HIS Holy Presence in you would be so tender intimate that you would not want to give up even for that would want HIS intimacy in you to last forever in you.
Soon and very soon....HE will pass you & my William and I for the last time...
Soon and very soon hopefully when HE passes that last time to you offering you HIS best...which hopefully you will will choose and confess and pass the final test.
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!
Soon and Very Soon