Soon and very Soon there will be no place for fakes to hide!
For there will be no more darkness to disguise ones deeds and attitudes!
For all that has been done over time will be shown in HIS LIGHT revealing what only HE has seen to all of many nations!
Ones own conscience shall convict each soul as every heart is laid open not by oneself but will be apparent next to innocence...
Soon and very soon there will be no more chances to love the down trodden... and receive HIS tremendous Blessing!
Soon and very soon those who have reject us, those whom HE has sent to test the love of all before HE Rules and levees their eternal sentence!
Many have had more oppertunities to cover their sin with love...
But by their own rejection have chosen their final destination themselves!
Our Lord through EstherStephanada!
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4 months ago
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