Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Those of Us Who Belong To GOD, Covered By HIS Blood and Living and Loving HIS Word and Law

Get ready to fly upon HIS wings and more importantly ....

Get ready to laugh at the destruction of the hypocrites...

Choose to have the vision of Jeremiah and see yourself chomping such fakey flakes in your cereal bowls!

Remember a flake by definition is a thin piece that has fallen or flaked off!

So how can it be considered a likeness to the real deal...

You do not want to associate with a chip off the old block..                                                                                

You want to make sure you are rooted to The One and only Rock which is Jesus and HIS Church which HE started through Saint Peter!

Soon very soon in less than two weeks....  we and many will be laughing at the final destruction of all flakes...
So you who like me really love the Lord, I am not speaking to even one who has a sister or brother... even a neighbor whom they despise...

For it is impossible to hate even one... and still be real...  for he who has even a drop of hate or bitterness within...

You are a Flakey Fakey Flake though I love you and pray for you....  The Truth is the Truth and never changes...

Though you can change if you choose in these last final days and hours....   Go to Sacramental Confession
and when you whole heartedly genuinely come clean...
HE will cover you with HIS Blood and return to your wicked ways again you shall not... or be lost forever in Eternal Fire...

HE and we hope you choose HIS best...  that soon very soon...  this month...you will not be one of many whose destruction we laugh and rejoice... that your oppression upon us HIS little ones is finally over!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!  After August 20, 2010 All Bondages are Broken!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have you Ever Noticed That Fakey Flakes Cannot Stand Straight Up When They Are All Wet!

Whether speaking of Corn Flakes or tomatoe and Onion Flakes you shake upon your plate...

Or even the more lively kind that have two eyes, two ears and only one one mouth like you and I... but choose not to hear or see another's heart.

They are the ones Our Blessed Lord told us to expect to find everywhere in our lives that live false lives and seateth themselves in high places in synagogues, churches and will always fill the Parish Councils and are heads of every committee busy about many things....

But Love is not injected into even one of their actions which they will list for you all that they do if you are either so bored your self or foolish enough to listen.

"They can list all sort of things "they are about" that they say they do for ME...
But Their Hearts are FAR FROM ME...  Soon And Very Soon I Will Pass Them By One Last Time and Say That I NEVER KNEW THEM!"

So any of you reading this now who are oppressed by Artificial or Imitation  Flavored Folks also known as FLAKES...

Choose to like Jeremiah....who could always see every bud in the midst of the deepest winters...
          envision all of them in your cereal bowl at your table...

Notice when you pour the milk on them they all soften up into mush if you are not quick enough in eating them up!
Likewise Fakey Flakey Folks and people cannot stand straight and tall and not quiver like a snake in the grass in all their sins...

Just as many wanted to throw Jesus off the cliff because in HIS presence their flesh hurt because their sinful wickedness became more apparent.... and thus their hypocrisy around their home regions was coming into headlines...

No different than today many rather justify their sin and sometimes even the sin of their spouse...
Holding on to "Their right to be right" or "The Appearance of Their Self Righteousness"  when if instead if they became clean and publicly repented of their wrong doings which were not near so sinful had they repented in the beginning but instead they cover each lie with another one, then with another...

Over years it has become not just a habit, but a chosen lifestyle, which like holding onto possessions and money to the detriment of others.... is always LIFE THREATENING!

Remember the rich man who built bigger barns to store up his wheat so he need not sell it all at once, but store it up and make the poor beg...

That very night his life was required of him....  And your life will be required of you too...   If your heart is not truly one in HIS...  and it is not if you can think of even one human being that you do not love... a human being whom you hate or despise!

Anyone who says he or she loves GOD but hates or is unkind to a neighbor, sister or brother is a liar!
For no one can love GOD who they cannot see and not love him or her that they do see...

So sisters and brothers and neighbors all over...  Go to sacramental confession and receive absolution, do penance and start loving all NOW or be swept up by natural disasters such as crashes, earthquakes and hurricanes....
Many of you would already be gone if I or someone like me who loves you  were not praying for you!
Soon and Very Soon you shall have more tragedy  on yours or a loved ones doorstep.

You foolishly never slow down enough to hear The Lord's voice and know it is directly linked to your own behavior.

So either repent and receive Sacramental Absolution NOW  repent   or by the time EstherStephanada turns a half century....

You will be engulfed by the storms and shall be entertained for all ETERNITY by demons amongst HOT FIRES!

While my Billy-Jacob and I live out JOB Chapter 5 and laugh and dance at your self destruction...
For GOD will not allow us to ever again be blue over you...  so we will cry no more but dance where your darkness was.... as HE full fills all of HIS Holy Words...



So while you decide one last time whether to truly repent and choose HIS best...  or stick with your self justifications....  We are Laughing at destruction to our left and right and Dancing in HIS LIGHT Shining forth Through Darkness being forever Dispelled....
Praying you make the better and best choice

In the last 3 days an earth quake has hit at least 3 areas where we have lived and was spat upon because we love... 3 for 3 ought to quicken each one to their knees before HIM... It is almost too late!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Repent, Embrace The Holy Gospel and Rebuke and Condemn All Evil and Darkness That You Not Be Lost In Eternal Fire But Be Saved!

Storms have come and gone... and the earth has remained....

Soon and very soon ...LIKE NOW!!   Storms that come through all areas of the world will be the last chance for many to choose whether they will hold onto their hostility and arrogance.... "Their right to be right" and thus be passed by Our Lord and Savior who will leave them behind to wail and grind their teeth for Eternity...

Instead of entering HIS kingdom forever where there will be no man woman or child who even has a drop of bitterness within their heart for another sister, parent or brother...

The storms that are coming though all parts of the world where there have been injustices towards HIS poor who cry out to HIM day and night.... will not have mercy upon the wicked who have stolen much more than their share through deceit and unrighteous sinful deeds to the oppression of HIS righteousness who love both others and HIM...

Look at the storms that killed so many already... Tsunamis  that hit Asia, floods in Hatti....  and Katrina that demolished much of Louisiana... All these were retaliation from Almighty GOD against very sinful folks who in Political control have "Lorded" over His weak and innocent with and by force...

If you research the social history of any area of the world where there has been natural destruction, you will discover that in those societies there prior existed social injustices where someone.. or groups have seated themselves in high places and actually directly caused the sufferings of HIS poor righteous ones who cry to HIM day and night...

Others have not caused the suffering but their wicked selfishness adds multiplies and compounds the conspiracy of evil... and the sufferings of the  innocent grow deeper...

Soon Very Soon...Sooner than you think... not only will bad storms hit Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina and even central parts that think they are safe from hurricanes...

"They Have Changed Their Geographical Locations Only, But Their Hearts Remain Far From Me....
Where Can You Run From My Love Or My Wrath...
If You Climb to My Heavens, Sail Beyond My Sunrise or Sunset... If You Climb My Holy Mountains or Hide in your Room or Closet ... I AM There!

You Need Not Build Bigger Levees to Keep My Wrath Out...
What You Need is To Come to Me Upon Your Knees and REPENT TURN Away Forever From your Wicked Sinful Lieing Cheating Skimming, Stealing, I Scratch Your Back You Scratch Mine Ways...

No More Sunday Morning Saints and Monday Morning Halo Headlines...Then Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday same old same old Routines!

Turn Your Hearts to Me and Choose to Love and never hate... Give and you will always be Lovingly Received and Embraced...

Love Perfectly...Forgiving always and You Will Never Have Fear....
And  Then You Will Never Have Need That I Do Not Meet!

Embrace My Love or Suffer the Consequence of My Wrath.... You Have Less than 20 Days to Come Clean Permanently for Eternity... RISK Having Not Another Chance!"

Our Lord Through EstherStephanada