Get ready to fly upon HIS wings and more importantly ....
Get ready to laugh at the destruction of the hypocrites...
Choose to have the vision of Jeremiah and see yourself chomping such fakey flakes in your cereal bowls!
Remember a flake by definition is a thin piece that has fallen or flaked off!
So how can it be considered a likeness to the real deal...
You do not want to associate with a chip off the old block..
You want to make sure you are rooted to The One and only Rock which is Jesus and HIS Church which HE started through Saint Peter!
Soon very soon in less than two weeks.... we and many will be laughing at the final destruction of all flakes...
So you who like me really love the Lord, I am not speaking to even one who has a sister or brother... even a neighbor whom they despise...
For it is impossible to hate even one... and still be real... for he who has even a drop of hate or bitterness within...
You are a Flakey Fakey Flake though I love you and pray for you.... The Truth is the Truth and never changes...
Though you can change if you choose in these last final days and hours.... Go to Sacramental Confession
and when you whole heartedly genuinely come clean...
HE will cover you with HIS Blood and return to your wicked ways again you shall not... or be lost forever in Eternal Fire...
HE and we hope you choose HIS best... that soon very soon... this will not be one of many whose destruction we laugh and rejoice... that your oppression upon us HIS little ones is finally over!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia! After August 20, 2010 All Bondages are Broken!
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4 months ago
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