The righteous little ones of Jesus Christ never need to worry...
For HIS loving arms of affectionate protection always hold them close to HIS own heart...
Regardless of where they live;
Regardless of their neighbors sin;
The Lord always carries HIS own over the bumps of both well travelled and lonely roads.
HE hears the cries of HIS poor loving little ones whom HE grows tired seeing
Oppressed by the arrogant self-righteous ones abusing the power of their position which
HE Himself allowed them to rise to in the first place.
Isaac not the first and will not be the last to threaten anyone and destroy all who upon God's lowly humble ones attack and prey.
Floods, not gentle showers that bring May flowers...
Always come to cleanse the land of unrighteousness and sin.
If you ever wondered why a seemingly honest, upright holy one of God has been flood out of their home...
I guarantee you no one but God knows what goes on behind closed doors.
It only takes one in a household who lives a double life...
Possibly spends many hours in a basement with an extensive pornography collection.
False gods of some type undoubtedly exist in every home ever destroyed by floods and storms...
For God sees the Precious Blood of HIS only Son Jesus Christ where those who live for, with and through HIM...
And HE cherishes each one who is HIS own and HE is jealous of those who fear HIM not...
HE will have no false gods before HIM...
And if a family member chooses not to serve HIM...
HE will soon and very just a few more days...
Strike down the head who refuses to honor, obey, revere and hold dear...
All of HIS precepts.
If not every member of your house serve HIM sincerely...
The you dear have much to fear as Isaac draws nearer...
But HIS righteous ones only need be watching, waiting and listening for HIS voice to give your heart an instruction...
Hesitate not even for a fraction of a moment...
Or you too could be lost.
Obedience, perseverance and steadfast love and trust in God the face of any evil...
Sacrifice for HIS Holy Name sake and righteousness will always be rewarded with HIS fidelity.
HIS true righteous ones will return to their dwelling and find nothing amiss...
But those of you who tango with glamor of evils...
Now is the time to go to HIS Holy Catholic Church and make your sincere confessions....
God knows when you are sleeping, when you are awake...
HE has seen all of your dishonest deeds from the time you took your first step.
Don't even bother to take the time for Sabbath Day repentance if you plan on returning to your wicked ways after the storms pass...
Only those who are committed to change permanently from their wicked ways will HE give hearing;
Remember those who simply cry "Lord Lord you remember me I cast demons out in your name"
And HE will destroy you!
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4 months ago
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