How sad it is that GOD made us all different, with different abilities and needs from each other...
Some rich... others poor because HE had planned that all mankind would choose to Blesseach other freely with their gifts and wealth and that through giving onto each other in the Name of The Lord....
Not one human person would be needy, unfed, thirsty or unloved!
I recently have seen an increasing number of people, both old & young... those whom I know well and many I have never met face to face.... but am "Friends with on FACEBOOK" or have communicated with through some kind of internet meeting...
A great number of folks whose heart hurts over so much social injustice.... and the rich who seateth themselves in high places becoming richer on the backs of the poor.
Similar is " Truth vs Falsehood". When I was growing up in New Orleans in the 1960's there could not exist a more blatent abundance of contradictions that were and some still prevelant there.
Through generations going back even before I was born the only state in the USA that had more poverty than Louisiana was Mississippi.
In New Orleans before Katrina there were always those who lived in high class St Charles Ave mansions & the like, as well as the very poor who were either homeless and malnourished or they had a shack over their heads but could not get themselves off of foodstamps and earn wages enough to survive.
New Orleans as I am sure like every city in the worldthat hassocial programs like welfare & Foodstamps will always have some that choose that lifestyle & never try to work...
But I am not referring to that small segment of the population today.
In addition to great financial seperations between folks who live not even a mile away from one another....
Sometimes just around the corner..
New Orleans had other extremes as well... At one time it was home to the largest population of Traditional Catholics who expected their priests to preach as Jesus did... never watering down the Gospel into what
Father Charles E. Duke of ST Ann's in Metairie always called "The Do as you please Gospel...
Cafeteria Style!"
And New Orleans also has been home through the centuries to the sleeziest of sinners who choose on purpose a sinful life with no intentions to even try to live as GOD created each and every one of us to live... striving to love the unlovable! Forgiving before forgiveness is asked for....
And following the Ten Commandments!
I remember as a child hearing my mother & most mothers say to their children: "Crime never pays." "Honesty is always the best policy." "You better watch what you say or you just might get it."
However in today's society of rampid crime, our youth grow up seeing hard work not paying off for either their parents or grand-parents. Some youngsters have the misfortune of witnessing those who GOD chose to teach them to love and to be givers... to steal, cheat, lie, and blame others for their crimes.
So to my friends and readers who send me questions such as why does GOD allow HIS poor humble ones who cry to HIM day and night onto HIM: "When GOD when & Why GOD why?"
I say take another look at crime dynasties that have fallen recently and all the arrests and convictions of those who have preyed upon the weak and the poor...
Even an 8 term Louisiana Governor in Federal prison after a lifetime of "I scratch your back you scratch mine" begging his constituents to sign petitions to get him released from Federal prison!
Take another look at all the natural disasters hitting many areas of the world & the USA where social injustice.... has been the only way of life anyone who has lived there has ever known.
And to top off politicians who get into office because they say they are going to make it better for the poor listing their plan to level the playing field.
Today my husband & I met a priest from a country which the majority of the population is far poorer than the poorest of the USA...
The way they come here as "Missionary Priests" appealing for money for the poor whom they serve saying the government is corrupt and does not .....
take care of its people... I at least expected such priests to be true Missionaries "Religious Priests" belonging to a Religious Order but are not! He is a self proclaimed "Diosesan Priest"
For the sake of you non-Catholics Priests and nuns who are in Religous Orders such as The Franciscans, The Redemptorists, Sisters of Charity of Mother Theresa of Calcutta.... they and other Religious Orders take vows of poverty and receive no pay check. Their lives by choice are lives of unpaid service.
I am still experiencing shock! That men in some poor countries become priests that they can live at a higher standard than those they are suposed to be serving .... but that is not servanthood....
No wonder natural disasters are hitting places like the Phillipines, Thialand and Asia as well as Louisana, and not only coastal USA but all over this great land....
which is not so really great after all.... Is it?
Soon & Very Soon & Sudenly.... Are you an aid to HIS poor? Or a pretend to be who wants us not to see through your masks...
Soon & Very Soon The Lord of Hosts will turn your tables upside down HIMSELF!
Amen Amen Amen Amen & Alleluia!
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4 months ago
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