Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hello Fr Mark! Hope HIS Joy is Raising you Daily... HE never lets me stay low for long! Last night there were wicked storms coming through...

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Date: Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 5:24 PM
Subject: Hello Fr Mark! Hope HIS Joy is Raising you Daily... HE never lets me stay low for long! Last night there were wicked storms coming through...

Hello Fr Mark!
Though it is sometimes a great struggle to stay on the upbeat...   GOD does not allow me to be sorrowful or grieve for long..  Praise GOD!
HE told me over and over "Soon and very soon you shall see my storms rain down and there will be no more crying or dieing....for YOU!"
Another words GOD was warning me that HE plans soon to destroy the wicked, but those whom I love, and who love ad honor HIM will be safe. 
Well last night severe weather came through....  GOD had been saying for months and months that  HE plans terrible weather anywhere HE has sent us but not only we were not received but by not receiving us.... They REJECT HIM WHO SENT US!
This kind of stuff gets to heavy for me  at times, like when I was on telephone with you...
Last night my husband was afraid of the noisy weather and I tried to keep from laughing not at him...  but the fact the timing of the storm was just as I was told in my heart... so I explain to Billy, just as in Katrina, the Righteousness of The Lords is safe & has shelter in every storm and they always return to their dwelling and find nothing amiss....
I took my bible off the shelf and opened to JOB 5 and read it as the lightening kept striking nearby and the thunder was actually rocking this mobile home we  are in.
I reminded Billy of both the scripture  and how it held true through Katrina, though houses on both side were nearly knocked completely down... their roofs torn off....  our home was unscathed!
A light weight fence blew away and we had two dings in vynyl siding and he pulled them out and slid two more in its place & likewise replaced one small panel on a shed!
"So Billy baby again our neighbors on both sides who have been inappropriately chasing me since we came here...   they may be blown away tonight, but we shall stand!
I reminded him of the passover in old testament they ate it hurridly and they covered their door posts with the blood.... our house is spiritually covered with HIS BLOOD the only unblemished lamb."
And you know Billy keeps saying "don't say that dont say that.  referring to my speaking of the destruction of our enemies that if we rejoice in it..."
And I know GOD requires me to say certain things but these contradictions... confusing me....  GOD gave me a gift at the end of that JOB ch 5 I was not  expecting!
Go almost to the end of the chapter:     Job 5:22  "At destruction and famine you shall laugh, neither shall you be afraid of the living creatures of the earth"
So, that defused my spiritual delima of heart...  Praise GOD!
Then this morning when I walked through my house while Bill still slept, before I opened the  window blind to see if and what destruction was about.... I heard Sugar Daddy, my FATHER crying and sobbing and HE said:  " I Couldn't I...... I JUST GAVE THEM ANOTHER WARNING!"
See The Heart of GOD does not want to lose even one!
Bless you Fr Mark!   Glad you are preaching repentance!  Hope more do also....  Praying for you!

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