Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fwd: "GOOD GRIEF......WILL Anyone ever see what I see?????"

 "GOOD GRIEF......WILL Anyone ever see what I see?????"

How is it that I who lived 49 years in almost physical darkness could even then see the obvious before all physically  sighted folks still refuse to acknowledge but continue to ignore the truth that has stared them in their faces their entire lives but they refuse to accept into their hearts which are tender & loving...

And therefore they refuse to acknowledge callousness within anyone they love...

So they ignore for a few weeks visit until they can return to their palaces high upon hills remote from true family interactions of those who deceive.

When anyone is not content & happy in their own life with their own is typically because their hearts have voids that only the one true Triune God can fill.

Because they do not have God living & reigning in their hearts and lives they are not satisfied regardless how much they own or how much control they have in choosing for themselves...they need to fell powerful to feel important because they have never in their 70...80 sometimes 90 years of life have never loved because they have not received true love in their hearts for a first time not even from themselves or each other.

They equate: love, happiness, and success all rolled up in one ideal which is : POWER!

POWER to control...POWER to attain, take or force upon others what they want....
And this is not a love relationship at all.

It is not even a relationship of any kind but a plain and simple attack of oneself upon others.

When ever anyone is not content and happy in their own life and they meet a couple such as William & I who never suffer strife of any kind until someone outside of our marriage sometimes a geographical neighbor, a cousin or an uncle....sometimes even members of our own Catholic Church Family

Look at us camping and going from place to place in their estimations:  "Enjoying life too much...much more than them!!!"  
And so their backs go up in anger because they have their employment positions they must report to...they must WORK and meet deadlines on time!

Or they have small children they are responsible for who they see themselves tied down.

They think "IT's NOT FAIR that you just bop from State Park to grocery & church parking lots....

That is how Jesus Christ & HIS apostles lived sort of...

During the last 3 years of the Lord's life...HIS ministering years he & HIS disciples walked all day towards each new destination embracing whatever happened or befell them along their way with a gift they were giving to each one who was bold enough to embrace and receive into their hearts with great joy, love, thanksgiving...and receive the gift of trusting FAITH.

Each who chose to receive God's best received MIRACLES and they like us when they went out to all whom they loved were either joyfully received & received the same spiritual gifts or the absolute opposite were totally rejected and told that they were too different to be a part of the clicky friends group or clicky "Blood Relative Family group

This is what scriptures mean that say:  "If they hate ME they will hate you...but blessed or you who are scoffed and hated just because of ME...blessed blessed are you!!!"

Blessed, Blessed are my William and I when others including father & mother...neighbors uncle and many cousins...
Out of jealousy for they have never in their lives had the peace that surpasses all understanding reign in their personal households at any time.

We have been told to rent another apartment, but my husband & I refuse to ever sign another lease or to live where others have keys and authority over us and where we live.

Although our home loan was not approved we are applying to other avenues and meanwhile we will visit a friend for a "little while" and William will help the father of the household set up and establish his own "Handyman Business".  William promises to teach him job costing, estimating, and even refining his carpentry skills.

And we will live in their home during this undefined length period...

This is God's plan for giving William experience doing what he will teach inmates and former inmates in the not so distance future.

There are many who oppose what we do...but before they knew us...
Even my mother and father despised Jesus before they gave birth to me.... their only daughter who was not born into life but born into death, resuscitated born with many challenges both physical and mental

And how is it that they today cannot receive into their hearts the joy that I was physically blind & now I see landscapes and full length drapes.

Yet they instead of sharing in our joy and peace rather cling to their self-righteousness which allows them to remain in their own minds superior.

William & I cannot choose for them.

Nor can you choose for your neighbor, sister, brother, mother father aunt uncle or cousin.

It is better to grieve their choices for just a little while...
Move on to the next place just as Jesus and HIS disciples did...and offer the next community the same:  The gift of joy, hope love and the peace that supasses all understanding...

just as the Lord did...remembering the next community too may likewise not want us among them too.

But we will refuse to be blue...wear blue instead.

And from the moment we wake up on our cot within our Bloody Red Montana Van in his parks

It is all paid for!!

Yeah Amen!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1175
Madisonville, LA 70447

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