Monday, September 1, 2014

So Many Catholics Think That To Not Speak Out Against Sin Is Wrongful Judgement....But Is It?

Everyone has sinned....We are taught trhis in Romans.
However we are also each one by authority of our baptism at some time in our lives called to speak out against public sins that endanger or offend oters in community.
Just as Saint John the Baptist whose Martydom Feast was concecrated in Holy Masses around the world yesterday and on Saturday Vigil Holy Masses....
Saint John the Baptist openly corrected the king that it was not just but unholy to marry his sister.
Saint Thomas More challenged King Henry the 8th....That it is sinful to divorce his wife for a younger to have a child.....he wanting an heir to pass his kingdom.
And Jonah.....40 days and Nineveh be destroyed......
Yet King Nebakanezer put on sack cloth and ashes and God spared Nineveh of the wrath HE declared HE was going to do.
Through out the Old Testament floods cleansed land.
God said HE would not flood the entire earth at once again....but God did not tie up HIS Own Hands from chastising in lands where the majority refuse to live upright....particularly those who lead our communities, states and countries.
HIS Word declares that to whom much is given.....the more responsibility and position given.....much more is required.
And "WOE to those who mislead others astray"
And for city authorities to actually "Abolish the law" for several days during a festivals so that police will not arrest homosexuals having performing sex acts in the City of New Orleans French Quarter Streets...lifting open container laws allowing kegs of beer and daiquiris to flow sold openly for the sake of money making....
They did that in Ponchatoula the Mayor pounded his gavel in City Hall Meeting declaring open container laws lifted for duration of The Strawberry Festival.
I have written about these these things....simply stating the truth that God produces Weather Storms to cleanse the earth of sin mankind refuse to permanently repent & turn away from.
Many including many in my own biological family criticize me making these truthful statements.
We are to have compassion on people but reject and at times correct behavior.
When it comes to homosexuality....  God Himself in His scriptures declare homosexual life style sinful.
When will people stop saying that by speaking such truths is not passing the kind of judgement we are not to pass.
We are to not judge who will go to hell or heaven...for we know know what God will do in any sinner's lives to draw them to Himself.
It is necessary  to condemn a public display of homosexual sex .....and  nakedness in the streets....should actually be done by those in office of leadership but they are to scared that they will lose "The Homosexual/Gay Lesbian Community Votes" come next Election!
And certainly had Mayor Nagin or our Governor Blanco called off this Homosexual Lesbian Decadence Festival and put an end to the same old same old......Sunday morning repenting only what they were caught doing.....and called for all Louisianians to truly repent from their both Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav approached Louisiana
God would have pushed these storms to sea...catching them with His mighty hand.
If anyone noticing any place in the world where bad storms hit and much life and property is destroyed...web search the "Social & spiritual history of that city" and you will find something that will intrigue your spirit and you will see this truth more vividly the Lord has shown me.
For example in 2011 my husband and I were still living in North Carolina.   It was all over the news of the rising rivers in North Dakota and how a particular City of Minot had been inundated with heavier than heavy flood causing much loss of life and property.
I had my lap top on my lap as I do now and was motivated in my spirit to do just this!
I typed into my search window:    "Social & Spiritual History of Minot ND."
And so so very many things came up....pages upon pages of articles about the colorful strong personalities and governing ways of such an why do I say "obscure"???
Tell me, unless you are from Minot or from North Dakota...had you heard of Minot North Dakota before photos of the rivers flooded it washing away homes & buildings in Minot were blasted upon National & World News???
Read yourself & learn how the German Catholics and the Lutheran Swedes and Scandinavians always feuded...and not just merely with words...and then when they brought in an educator who was to raise the standard of Minot ND Education.
When the high schoolers began bringing home their text books ....what English Teachers today call:  "The Great Book Series"  both sides German Catholics and Scandinavian Lutherans came together for the first time.... 
Yes they burned all of those dirty books...from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet ....and Nathaniel Hawthorne's   Scarlett Letter.
All of those"Classics" about romance & unfaithfullness and adultry...
Yes together all of the upright religious community who once were poking fingers at each other...
All of a sudden had joined hands onto the same team with the "Good O Boys Country Western Movie Style":  BURNED ALL of those dirty books and ran the Professor Educator right out of their town saying: 
Certainly I chose the most entertaining of the many many reports that can be found online if one wants to take the time to search the Internet files on Minot....but you choose another such place that you hear a bunch of hoopla about...
And you if you do...prayerfully you will see that God's wrath will always be something that God from time to time has and continues to rumble....pressing...with chastisement pressing for folks who ignore Him and His Holy Word to turn their hearts and eyes towards Him.

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